layout: true --- class: title, middle, center # How to Conference ## A Guide for Introverts ## (And Everyone Else)  ??? * Welcome! * Today I'm going to talk about: * How to get the most out of attending a tech conference * Lower right: Link to slides * Press `P` to see my presenter notes * Links * Extra notes I won't talk about * My Twitter handle is in the lower left corner * Feel free to tweet **at** me or **about** me * If this is a local group: * Feel free to jump in at any time * To ask questions * To add your thoughts --- class: single-image  ??? * Aditya Siram (Deech) posted this during Strange Loop 2015 * You may also know Deech as Esther's husband * I responded with several tips * I discussed the Twitter conversation with my wife * She told me ***I*** should give that talk * It took me a bit to warm up to that idea ----- * Deech's tweet: --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * I'm a naturally shy person (mostly) * I decided 15 or 20 years ago to work to be more outgoing * I actually owned this book, when I was dating --- _ambivert_ - a person with a balance of extroverted and introverted traits ??? * Today I consider myself to be an ambivert * I still have a lot of situations where I'm an introvert * Lots of situations where I can appear to be an extrovert * Strange Loop 2015, and 2 conferences the week before, were a real turning point for me * I networked a *lot* better than I had before * And felt almost natural at it * RailsConf 2019 was another conference where I felt like I did well * First time I went with a large team * First time I was representing my company at a booth * Really was **on** during the company-sponsored after-party * Still more progress I can make ----- * Carl Jung coined the terms "introvert" and "extrovert" * He identified the 3rd category, but did not name it * Various sources put ambiverts at 20% to 70% of the population --- Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time. Extroverts tend to gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social. ??? * Inside, I still feel like an introvert most of the time * But even that's starting to change --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * BTW, one of my biggest fears is speaking in front of a large crowd * My "number" is about 50 -- more than that, and I get nervous * It sometimes takes me a couple of Xanax to cope * A couple Xanax would normally put me to sleep * I'm needing this less and less as I do more talks * But the feeling after I finish is **amazing** * I feel pumped up * I feel "high" * And the value to me (and to others) is worth it * It's probably best not to talk about how nervous you are in your talk * Except that it's actually on-topic for this talk --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * The good news: * You can make a lot of progress * The bad news: * It's going to take a lot of practice * It's going to take a lot of time --- class: single-image  ??? * Jessica Kerr tweeted this about being awkward * I think she's _partly_ right * But awkwardness can also be a step toward breaking through your own social defenses * For most in this room, we probably face more of the latter than the former * Of course, figuring out which is which is hard * But probably necessary ----- * Jessitron's tweet: --- class: single-image, expand-width  ??? * Plan your travel so as to reduce stress as much as possible * Don't cut it close — that's too stressful * Lay-overs should be no less than 1 hour * Story: * My trip to Chicago, when they didn't have a room for me when I arrived --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Here are a few easy ice breakers at a conference: * Ask people what talks they're excited about * (Towards the beginning) * Ask people what talks they really liked * (Towards the end) * Ask people where they're from * You can follow up with some things you know about that place * Or ask things you'd like to know about the place * You can ask about their trip to the conference * You can follow up with if they've ever been to this city or this conference before * I had an Aussie at Strange Loop last year tell me that Americans ask this question more than anyone * Then I asked him where he was from * He pointed out that I just did what he said Americans always do * Ask people what do they do (for a living) --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Hang out with more outgoing friends and have them introduce you to people * Ask them to start conversations about topics they know you and the other people are interested in --- class: single-image  ??? * Who here is bad with names? I am! * When you are introduced, try to repeat the person's name * Then try to use it again in a few minutes * Then try to use it again a while later * Try to write names down as soon as you can --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Purposely join different groups * If you can, try NOT to stick with people you know the whole time * Ask random people if you can tag along with them for dinner * Helena Converse had a great line once: * "You look like some people I don't know yet" --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Talk to speakers after their talks * Ask follow up questions * Ask where you can get more info * Argue a point (maybe) * It's probably better to try to talk to them later than *right* after their talk * How many of you feel like it would be intruding to talk to a speaker? * It's not * Either they're an extrovert, and generally don't mind talking to people * Or they're an introvert, and using their as a way to get people to talk to them * Just don't monopolize their time --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Skip some sessions * The "hallway track" is important * It's also easier * There are a lot less people in the hallways during a session * A Ruby friend of mine sometimes *only* does hallway track * Adarsh Pandit * Sometimes doesn't pay for a conference pass --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Take part in any structured or non-structured activities * RubyConf 2017 had a "photo booth" with a bunch of props * Strange Loop always has a party at City Museum * RailsConf always has an "after party" one night --- class: single-image  ??? * Invite people you know to an after-event * People you "know" from the Internet * People you know, and people you don't know * Use whatever means of communication is available for the conference * Twitter hash tag * Slack channel * Deech and I like Blues music * Who wants to come with us to BoB or BB's or BOB tonight? --- class: single-image  ??? * Add to your badge a short list of things you'd like to talk about * I wish some conferences would start adopting this idea --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Wear something outrageous, so people will come talk to you * In some ways, this might be a way to hide behind the outrageousness * This is Aaron Kalin * He gave a talk dressed in this costume at WindyCityRails in 2015 --- class: single-image  ??? * Or maybe just dye your hair a wild color * This is Jamey Hampton and John K. Sawers --- class: single-image  ??? * Hand out stickers * For your company * For your side project * Aaron Patterson (Tenderlove) hands out stickers of his cats * Gorbachev Puff Puff Thunderhorse III (Gorbypuff) * SEA-TAC Airport YouTube Facebook Instagram Snapchat (Choo Choo) --- class: single-image  ??? * Sean Griffin had a baby, and they named her Ruby * He passed out these stickers --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Trade stickers * Heidi Waterhouse carries around a *ton* of stickers * She then sits at a table and dumps them out * People come and trade stickers with her --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Who has trouble hearing people talk in noisy places? * I do. * It's the worst! * I don't really have much good advice on this one * I'm still really bad at this * I try to sit at the middle of the table * So I'm closer to more people * Tell people that they need to speak up * Because you're a bit hard of hearing --- class: single-image, expand-height  ??? * Give a talk * Start with a smaller group and work your way to larger groups * People will come up to you and want to talk more with you about your topic --- class: single-image  ??? * At Strange Loop 2015, Camille Fournier talked about Distributed Systems Design * She talked a lot about trade-offs * Engineering is measuring trade-offs and deciding which is better for the situation * Choosing to be more outgoing is a trade-off * Cons - you feel awkward, it's hard, it takes time * Pros - you meet new people, you learn new things, you connect to your community and the world --- class: single-image, earth  ??? * For me, connecting with the world and my community is important * I hope it's important to you too * And I hope that you'll find your own ways to get better at doing that --- class: single-image, thanks  ??? * Thanks to Deech for the idea for the talk * Thanks to my wife for prompting me to *give* the talk * Thanks to all of you for coming and watching * Thanks to everyone who provided valuable feedback --- class: single-image, this-agile-life  ??? * You can hear more of me on This Agile Life * My RailsConf 2019 talk was mentioned in the latest episode of the Ruby on Rails podcast * Thanks, Chris Oliver! * About 3/4 of the way through the episode * Video of my RailsConf 2019 talk has been posted * I've been asked to do an episode of Ruby Rogues --- # Contact * GitHub: booch * Twitter: @CraigBuchek * Email: ??? * The source for this presentation is on GitHub * In my `presentations` repo * Feel free to stop me in the hall to ask me questions ----- * Source for this talk: * * Tools used: * [Remark][Remark] slide show (Markdown to HTML) * Customized CSS * Customized presenter notes layout * Image credits: * [Deech's tweet]( * [Shy Guy's Guide to Dating]( * [Crowd]( * [Bundle of newspapers]( * [Jessica Kerr's tweet]( * [Icebreaker ship]( * [Jessica Kerr]( * [Hello My Name Is "Inigo Montoya" badge]( * [people gathered around a restaurant table]( * [people with hands raised]( * [RubyConf 2008 hallway track]( * [RubyConf 2017 attendees posing with props]( * [Buddy Guy playing in his blues club]( * [Aaron Kalin giving a talk at Windy City Rails in a Stormtrooper costume]( * [Jamey and John at RubyConf 2018]( * [Heidi Waterhouse]( * [me giving a talk]( * [Camille Fournier's Strange Loop 2015 talk]( * [the earth]( (NASA; Apollo 17; December 7, 1972) [Remark]: