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Rocky Mountain Ruby 2024
--- class: title, middle, center  # Laziness is a Virtue ## Lazy, Functional, Immutable Ruby ??? - Hi, I'm Craig - Today, I'm going to talk about: - laziness - functional programming - in Ruby - If you want to "at" me, ... - I'm on Twitter and Mastodon via - ... infrequently - Short URL for the slides in lower right - Follow along, or look at them later - Hit `P` to toggle presenter notes - Also links to resources - ... and some details that I don't have time to cover - I took the background image from my hotel this morning! --- class: quote > The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
-- Larry Wall, _Programming Perl_
??? - QUESTION: Who knows who Larry Wall is? - Creator of Perl - And the language formerly known as Perl 6 ------ - _sic_ missing Oxford comma and extraneous colon - Also created Raku (formerly Perl 6) - Quote is from the glossary of the first _Programming Perl_ book - Per --- class: single-image  ??? - I identify with Larry's description - My wife's therapist says I'm a sloth - I've embraced that label --- # Laziness - Delay computation until resulting value is needed ??? - Let's start with a definition - My definition of laziness: - "Delaying computation until the result of the computation is needed" --- # Too Eager ~~~ ruby before_action :set_current_account, except: [:index] attr_reader :current_account private def set_current_account @current_account = Account.find_by(user: current_user) end ~~~ ??? - I often see code like this in Rail controllers - Code like this prompted idea for this talk - Why do we need to set current account before everything else? - ... --- # Almost Lazy Enough ~~~ ruby private def current_account Account.find_by(user: current_user) end ~~~ ??? - We don't! - Rails requests are synchronous - There is no "ahead of time" - Only need to compute things before they're used - I'm going to argue **right** before they're used - This code is more "lazy" - Waits to do the computation when it's needed --- # Still a Bit Too Eager ~~~ ruby attr_reader :current_account def initialize @current_account = Account.find_by(user: current_user) end ~~~ ??? - Could also compute the value in initializer - Especially if it's always needed - But still worrying about it before we need it - I contend that this mindset is harmful - It's a hold-over from procedural programming - At least in this case, we're thinking about current account as a property of object - Instead of an action that needs to be done --- # Lazy Enough ~~~ ruby private def current_account @current_account ||= Account.find_by(user: current_user) end ~~~ ??? - Original code had 1 advantage: - Only computes value once - But that's easily solved with memoization --- # Too Early ~~~ ruby before_action :set_current_account ~~~ ??? - What does this line tell us when we read it? - Need to set current account before anything else - It's a lie - Can forget about current account until we see it used - If we've named it well, probably **never** need to read details - Controller before filters are still useful - For interrupting request before doing any other work - Authentication or authorization - That's the _filter_ part - But not for setting up data - NOTE: Instance variables in Rails controllers also get copied to view - I recommend using other mechanisms to pass data to views - Passing locals to `render` - Labeling helper methods - Decent Exposure gem --- class: transition background-image: url(images/memoization.jpg) # Memoization ??? - More detail on memoization --- # Memoization - Requirements - Idempotent - Pure ~~~ ruby 2 * 3 # => 6 2 * 3 # => 6 # => 2024-10-07 10:26:43.24013 -0600 # => 2024-10-07 10:26:45.19534 -0600 gets # => potentially different input every time puts "Hello" # => changes the outside world ~~~ ??? - Before memoizing, make sure it makes sense - Idempotent: produces same result when called multiple times with same arguments - Pure: no side effects --- # Memoization - Idiomatic ~~~ ruby def my_value @my_value ||= computation_of_my_value end ~~~ ??? - Memoizing caches result of computation - Don't have to compute it again - Canonical Ruby idiom - `||=` operator assigns to variable if variable is `nil` or `false` - Otherwise, results in its existing value - Undefined variables are `nil` --- # Memoization Idiom - Caveats - ||= does not handle `nil` and `false` - Only for values that don't change - Not thread-safe ??? - Basic Ruby memoization idiom doesn't handle `nil` or `false` - Rarely a concern - True/false answers are usually quick to compute - Nil is often quick to compute - Nil might even indicate to try again ------ - Some people will add "complexity" to list - I don't buy that argument - Short, simple, idiomatic --- # Memoization - Long Form ~~~ ruby def my_value return @my_value if defined? @my_value setup_complex_stuff @my_value = computation_of_my_value end ~~~ ??? - Here's a longer version that handles `nil` and `false` - Also good if method is > 1 line - Ruby's `defined?` is a complex story unto itself --- # Memoize - ActiveSupport - ActiveSupport::Memoizable - Deprecated in Rails 3.2! ~~~ ruby extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable def my_value computation_of_my_value end memoize :my_value ~~~ ??? - Rails used to come with `memoize` built-in --- # Memoize - Short Form ~~~ ruby memoize def my_value = computation_of_my_value ~~~ ??? - Method definition actually returns the name of the method - Can use it as an argument to `memoize` - Can use Ruby 3.0 short method definition - This use of `memoize` looks like a variable type qualifier or attribute in C/C++ - `const`, `static`, `extern`, `volatile`, etc. ------ - Short method definition in C# (with no arguments) is called "computed property" - I like this term a lot - Good way to think about it - Not substantially different than properties assigned in constructor - JavaScript "computed properties" are something different --- # Memoist ~~~ ruby extend Memoist memoize def my_value = computation_of_my_value ~~~ - 267M downloads - Extraction of ActiveSupport::Memoizable - Last updated 2020 - Tested on Ruby 1.9.3 - 2.6 ??? - The `memoize` method is really useful - Even works for methods that take arguments - The idiom for that is more complex - Memoist lets us keep using it - Possibly out of date - Popular ------ - ~~~ ruby # Example of memoizing a method that takes arguments def volume(height, width, depth) @cache ||= {} @cache[[height, width, depth]] ||= compute_volume end ~~~ --- # Memoizable ~~~ ruby extend Memoizable memoize def my_value = computation_of_my_value ~~~ - 51M downloads - Last updated 2023 - Tested on Ruby 2.1 - 3.2 - Mutation tested! ??? - Memoizable is another option, written from scratch - Dan Kubb, a "leader" in FP branch of Ruby community - More up to date - Mutation testing is a good sign - Verifies all possible code paths are covered by tests - Ensures that all code is necessary ------ - --- class: transition background-image: url(images/data.webp) # Data Class ??? - Ruby 3.2 introduced a `Data` class - Similar to `Struct` - Immutable - No setters - No behavior ------ - CAVEAT: No enforcement of immutability of member fields - Ie, it's not a "deep freeze" --- # Data Class - Definition ~~~ ruby Person = Data.define(:name, :age) craig = "craig", age: "53") ~~~ ??? - Define a Data class with `define` and list of fields - Create a new instance with `new` - Pass field values by name --- # Data Class - Subclass ~~~ ruby class Person < Data.define(:name, :age) end craig = "craig", age: "53") ~~~ ??? - We can subclass a Data class - My preferred style - Consistent syntax as other class definitions - Very minor downside: - Adds anonymous class between `Person` and `Data` classes - As seen when looking at `Person.ancestors` --- # Data Class - Extended Subclass ~~~ ruby class Person < Data.define(:name, :age) def initialize(name:, age:) super(name: name.to_s.capitalize, age: age.to_i) end end craig = "craig", age: "53") ~~~ ??? - Can override initializer - In example, normalize name and age --- # Data Class - Extended Definition ~~~ ruby Person = Data.define(:name, :age) do def initialize(name:, age:) super(name: name.to_s.capitalize, age: age.to_i) end end craig = "craig", age: "53") ~~~ ??? - Or can pass a block to `Data.define` - Add and override methods - Minor downside: `Person` is not defined until after the block - So we can't refer to `Person` inside the block - But we'd normally use `self` anyway - Bigger downside: always forgetting `do` --- # Data Class - Square Brackets ~~~ ruby Person = Data.define(:name, :age) do def initialize(name:, age:) super(name: name.to_s.capitalize, age: age.to_i) end end craig = Person[name: "craig", age: "53"] ~~~ ??? - Data class allows using `[]` instead of `new` - Upside: - Value objects **visibly** distinct from mutable objects --- # Data Class - Constant? ~~~ ruby Person = Data.define(:name, :age) do def initialize(name:, age:) super(name: name.to_s.capitalize, age: age.to_i) end end Craig = Person[name: "craig", age: "53"] ~~~ ??? - Use a constant instead of variable? - Immutable implies constant --- class: single-image  ??? - Domain-Driven Design is a great book - By Eric Evans - Top 10 book - How to divide up our code cleanly - Divides objects into 3 categories: - Value Object - Immutable state - No behavior - Entity - Identity - Ship of Theseus - Mutable state - Service Object - Behavior - Side effects - Like an actor in an actor model - Analogous to process in Erlang VM --- # Value Object - Value Object - Immutable state - No behavior ??? - Easier to reason about - No state changes - No side effects - Easier to test - No need to set up state - No need to check state changes - For given input, always get same output - What is "behavior"? - Change object's state - Side effects - Interaction with outside world - Methods included should: - Transform inputs to outputs - Be pure functions --- class: transition background-image: url(images/functional-programming.webp) # Functional Programming ??? - Which brings us to Functional Programming - QUESTION: Is Ruby OOP or FP? - Both! --- # FP in Ruby ~~~ ruby x = [1, 2, 3] y = { |n| n * 2 } ~~~ ??? - Ruby's FP is most commonly used with enumerables - Array, Hash, Range, etc. - `map` is an FP concept - It transforms the data --- # Procedural Programming ~~~ ruby x = [1, 2, 3] y = [] x.each do |n| y << n * 2 end ~~~ ??? - Ruby is also a procedural language - `each` indications procedural code - Its side effects are its reason for being --- # FP vs Procedural ~~~ ruby x = [1, 2, 3] y = [] x.each do |n| y << n * 2 end ~~~ ~~~ ruby x = [1, 2, 3] y = { |n| n * 2 } ~~~ ??? - Both examples return same result - But 2nd example does not mutate original data - It doesn't mutate **anything** - No worrying if something else modifies `y` - Don't have to worry about side effects - Can reason about code more easily --- # Mutation ~~~ ruby x = [1, 2, 3]! { |n| n * 2 } x.sort! ~~~ ??? - Ruby has quite a few methods that mutate variables in-place - Note that we don't use these much any more - Still mutate contents of arrays, hashes - Still mutate ActiveRecord objects a lot - BTW, Phoenix/Elixir doesn't mutate their domain objects - Instead, the send change requests to the DB - Provides immutability benefits to most domain objects --- class: transition background-image: url(images/lazy-couch.png) # Lazy Enumerators ??? - Lazy enumerators have been around since Ruby 2.0 --- # Lazy Evaluation - Delay evaluation of an expression until its value is needed ??? - Traditional definition of "lazy" -- lazy evaluation - A little different than my earlier definition - This is focused on expressions --- # Lazy Enumerator ~~~ ruby (1..Float::INFINITY).select { |n| n.odd? }.first(5) ~~~ ~~~ ruby (1..Float::INFINITY) { |n| n.odd? }.first(5) ~~~ ??? - The top code will run forever - It will never finish the `select` - The bottom code will stop after returning the first 5 odd numbers - The `lazy` returns an Enumerator::Lazy object - Enumerator::Lazy will not execute any blocks until they're needed --- # ActiveRelation ~~~ ruby Person.all.where(title: "Software Engineer").order(:tenure).to_a ~~~ ??? - Could not find examples that aren't - a Range - or finding the first _n_ things in file - I realized that ActiveRecord is lazy, in its own way! - Doesn't execute query until you ask for results - ActiveRel - uses "relational algebra" (via builder pattern) to build up query - `all` returns a new relation - `where` returns a new relation - `order` returns a new relation - `to_a` executes the query and returns result as array ------ - Nice article on lazy vs eager performance: --- class: transition background-image: url(images/ask-vs-tell.webp) # Tell vs. Ask ??? --- # Tell, Don't Ask ~~~ ruby class SystemMonitor def check_for_overheating sound_alarm if temperature > 100 end end monitor = monitor.check_for_overheating ~~~ ??? - OOP says "tell, don't ask" - An object should contain everything it needs to do something - We tell it to do that thing - We don't ask it for information and then do something with that information - All procedural code can be seen as telling - We tell the computer **how** to do something --- # Violating Tell, Don't Ask ~~~ ruby class SystemMonitor attr_reader :temperature def sound_alarm Klaxon.blare! end end monitor = monitor.sound_alarm if monitor.temperature > 100 ~~~ ??? - Violation of Single Responsibility Principle - Violation of encapsulation # Ask, Don't Tell ~~~ ruby do { |n| n * 2 } ~~~ ??? - FP says do the opposite - Declarative code - We ask the computer **what** to do - We don't tell it **how** to do it --- # Ask, Don't Tell ~~~ ruby Craig = Person[first_name: "craig", last_name: "buchek", age: "53"] Craig.full_name # => "Craig Buchek" Craig.spouse.full_name # => "Beth Buchek" Greg = Craig.with(first_name: "Greg") ~~~ ??? - You can't tell an immutable object to change itself - You can ask it to give you a new object - You can then persist that new object, if you want --- class: single-image  ??? - QUESTION: Who has seen this talk? - Gary Bernhardt's "Boundaries" talk - I watch on a yearly rotation - Functional Core: Ask - Data objects - Imperative Shell: Tell - Actors (Services) ------ - --- class: transition background-image: url(images/better-homes-and-gardens.jpg) # Better ??? - What does it mean for code to be "better"? --- # Better - Readability - Readable - Understandable - Maintainable ??? - We often talk about "readability" - But it's really about whether it's easy to **understand** - And to maintain - How easily can someone else understand code and make changes? --- # Better - Changability - Easy to change ??? - What we really care about: - How easy is it to **change** our code? - Because all software _evolves_ --- class: quote > Make the change easy, then make the easy change.
-- Kent Beck
--- # Better - Social - Socially accepted ??? - There's also a social aspect - We don't use `for` loops in Ruby any more --- # Better - Example ~~~ ruby private def my_method = do_some_stuff ~~~ ??? - I've used this in code above - Put the `private` right next to the definition - Makes it obvious - Can move methods around in a big file - Without worrying if it's in the `private` section - WARNING: RuboCop does not like this! - Short methods are more readable - Refactor relentlessly -- try to get to 1-line methods - Optimize style for readability and error avoidance --- class: transition background-image: url(images/cocktail-on-beach.jpg) # Laziness-Driven Development ??? - Thinking back to Larry Wall's quote ... --- class: quote > Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.
-- Agile Manifesto, principle 10
??? - I'm reminded of quote from Agile Manifesto --- # Laziness-Driven Development - README-Driven Development - Test-Driven Development - Behavior-Driven Development - Acceptance Test-Driven Development - Data-Driven Development - Model-Driven Development ??? - I like README-Driven Development - I love TDD - And its offshoots, BDD and Acceptance Test-Driven Development - Data-Driven and Model-Driven Development are things - Probably worth looking into - Maybe Laziness-Driven Development should be a thing --- # Lazy Manifesto We are uncovering lazier ways of developing valuable products by doing it. We have come to value: - Keeping slack over fully utilizing all the time - A small simple quality product over a large complex product - Doing only what's necessary over exhaustively discovering all task - Doing less to deliver the same over doing more to deliver more That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. ??? - I googled to see if this already exists - Found Manifesto for Lazy Product Development - - Simplicity and quality - Keeping slack ensures that we can handle unexpected events --- # Lazy Manifesto Principles - Work hard only to make work easier and safer - Doing nothing is always an option - Minimize backlog items while keeping the value - Keeping velocity increasing is not always good - Eliminate tasks that generate no value - Combine tasks to reduce latency and rework - Rearrange tasks to find problems early - Simplify all tasks as much as possible - Eliminate tasks/processes by finding lazier ways - Expand capabilities, not capacities - Get help from others while providing help to others with minimum effort --- # Laziness-Driven Development - Prefer - Outcomes - Business value - Effectiveness - Over - Work - Output - Productivity - Efficiency ??? - Here's my take - We want to do less work, but still make the customer happy - How? - Focus on outcomes - Effectiveness over efficiency - Happy developers --- # Lean/Kanban - Waste - WIP - Complex processes - Context switching - Maker vs Manager time - Waiting for answers - Waiting for feedback - Meetings - Unused features - Bugs - Unnecessary code, testing, documentation ??? - Lean/Kanban tells us to eliminate waste - Where do we find waste? - Lean says that all work in progress is waste - Every time we change tasks, we have to pull context back into our mental state - Maker vs Manager time - Makers need long blocks of time to get into flow - Managers need short blocks of time to answer questions - Most meetings are waste, can we agree? - Unused features probably cost more than bugs - Dev time - Carrying costs - Most testing is **necessary** automation and documentation - Document what code is **supposed** to do --- # LDD - Principles - Choose long-term value over short-term costs - Do the right things, well - Automate ??? - When we think long-term, we make better decisions - We often do the wrong things - Don't take time to understand problem - Build wrong thing - Don't do a good job - Collaboration and pair programming reduce waste - No time spent waiting for answers - More eyes to catch mistakes - Build on each other's ideas - Automate when cost of **not** doing so outweighs the cost of doing it - Same for abstraction, documentation, testing, etc - Keep YAGNI in mind - Rule of 3 --- # LDD - Principles - Code is a liability - Consider risks - Make things easy to change - Collaboration increases effectiveness - Continuous learning and improvement - Don't be lazy about **thinking**! ??? - Think about the next person who has to read this code - Optimize for their time - Likely "future-you" - Always be kind to "future-you" - "Past-me" was a jerk! - Save time by making sure "future-you" can understand you - Make sure to document **why** you did things the way you did - Cold is not just a one-time cost - It has to be tested, maintained, readable, etc. - So we want to minimize the amount of code we write and maintain - Using libraries and frameworks allows us to offload that work - Keeping libraries and frameworks up to date has a cost, too - Better abstractions allow us to write less code - And code that's easier to understand --- class: transition background-image: url(images/6736130025_ac5e197e22_b.jpg) # Conclusions --- # Take-Aways - Functional core vs imperative shell - Think long-term - Code is always changing - Delay work until necessary - Our real job is to learn ??? - Functional core vs imperative shell - Think long-term - Remember that code is always changing - I'm reminded of Lean's "last responsible moment" --- # Resources - Gary Bernhardt's "Boundaries" talk - - Data class - - Lazy enumerators - --- # Resources - Domain-Driven Design - - - - Lazy Manifesto - - --- # Hire Me - Principal Software Engineer - Ruby/Rails: 18 years - Agile: 12 years - Devops: 11 years - Network Security: 7 years - LinkedIn: - Resume: ??? - I just wrapped up a short-term contract - Looking for my next great opportunity - I prefer the role of a player-coach --- # Feedback - GitHub: [booch][github] - Mastadon: [][mastadon] - Twitter: [@CraigBuchek][twitter] - Email: - Slides: - Hit P to see notes - Source: ??? - One reason I give talks at conferences is to start a conversation - Come talk to me - Or send me a message - Or a job offer! - Thank YOU for coming ------ - Thanks also to: - Rocky Mountain Ruby organizers - For selecting my talk - I used a tool called [Remark][remark] to create and show these slides. - I used ChatGPT to generate some of the images - It's pretty bad at giving me what I ask for [github]: [mastadon]: [twitter]: [remark]: